Photo Courtesy of xololounge via Morguefile.com
After our marriage was given true life by the power of the Holy Spirit, Michael and I began to see things in a new light. We thought about the world differently and tried to figure out all the right things to do to make this work in our day to day lives. Our marriage was still afloat and the Lord was with us in this transition. But for me the journey was painful because I wanted Jesus to be my Savior without being my Lord and Master.
I held on to many lusts of the flesh. I smoked and drank and flirted with men. I spent afternoons dreaming of how perfect my life would be if I could just have a perfect husband or better job. I cursed like a sailor and filled my mind with gossipy magazines and ungodly music.
As much as I still reached for them, these fleshly desires were driving me mad. I would cry while I was driving to my women’s Bible study. I repeatedly fell apart during worship service at church because I was so unworthy of anything Christ had ever done for me. His sacrifice for me was very generic in my mind. “For God so loved the world…” I was part of the world and that’s why He thought to include me in the offer of salvation. I had no concept of what God wanted to do with my life. I just knew that this couldn’t be all there was.
I needed to make a clean break from the things of this world, and God knew just how to wake me up and make me choose a side.
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